➡ Click here: Yugioh link vrains pack
My point is, the Dragon you would be bringing out will most likely be something that will have an effect or something that you would want to use. Only sucks that equip from the deck cannot be equipped to Picofarena, but getting an equip on a Dragonfly or Centipede is great since those cards are still good. Blue Angel's memory seemed to have been erased afterwards.
The information is actually not new, however I do not remember having a topic on it yet. If you summon this, there is a good chance this jesus before you get into Tamer Editor. This may vary depending on products, please get in touch with us if you would like to find out exact timeframes. Life Stream Dragon can even be sided if you play this vs Trickstars. A Link monster that supports Synchro jesus. He demanded that Playmaker Duel him, much to the annoyance of Akira. Revolver and Playmaker exchanged blows in a Speed Duel but it resulted in a DRAW. My point is, the Dragon you would be bringing out will most likely be something that will have an idea or something that you would want to use.
This is something that not every machine deck can pull off since, as it states on the card, you have to summon two monsters into the zones it points to at the same time in order to activate it. You can tribute a Monster this card points to and summon a Plant from the deck. I love PK Fire as a deck and this helps the deck stay alive in this new era. The duels conducted here will be conducted under the Rule, as opposed to a Real World Duel where it is Dueled with the.
- Inside the wind was said to contain another world called Cyberse. Plant decks will be playing this in 3-ofs, because a simple Mathematician can send a Dandylion to summon the Tokens to summon this and have a Mathematician to tribute for the effect.
With so many interesting new Link Monsters, I thought I would talk about them, starting with the first ever Link Vrains Pack, I will do one on Premium Pack 20 once every card is revealed and we see the other Link Monsters, and I will do another on any future Link Vrains Packs since the code for the set is LVP1, I imagine there will be another for hopefully other archetypes. We got a HEROes, so maybe something like Blackwings or Raid Raptors? Consider this an early Card of the Day review for all 20 of these cards. Also, there is more into some epic archetype lore, especially with the Hidden Arsenal lore, but I will leave you guys to look into that lore if interested. Perpetual King Archfiend Link-2, 2 Fiend Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Okay, this one seems to be just a throwback to those very old Archfiend monsters. I think they came out in Dark Crisis in 2003? Anyhow, this card gives those reminders of the old Archfiends with the 500 cost to keep it alive and it has some weird dice effect. The thing with the dice effect reliant off the first effect to send a Fiend to the GY with ATK or DEF equal to any cost you paid, most likely 500 with those old Archfiends, where there are no real good Fiends with 500 ATK or DEF except maybe Night Assailant. Why is the put it back in the deck part there? This leaves more to be desired, but it only requires two Fiends to have Bottom Left and Bottom Right arrows, so it might be useful in Fiend decks. Just this card could of had a much better effect. Gladiator Beast Dragacius Link-2, 2 Gladiator Beast Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Yeah, we are not off to a great start, are we? I can get where we were going with this, though. Allow Gladiator Beasts to get its battle through by making it immune to battle destruction as well as preventing effects during that battle, which is great for Gladiator Beasts. The arrows suggest they wanted you to use this to eventually go into Tamer Editor to use that to summon another Gladiator Beast from the Extra Deck, but the problem still stands. If you summon this, there is a good chance this dies before you get into Tamer Editor. The best case scenario is to summon this using Rescue Rabbit into two Andal or Rescue Cat into two Samnite, Link into this, get another Normal Summon, summon Laquari, battle, then summon Agustus to then summon another Agustus or Noxious. Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn Link-3, 3 Monsters with the same Attribute but Different Type, Bottom Left and Bottom Right and Up Arrows. Oh boy, we a re getting into the goodies now. Lightsworns probably got one of the better Link monsters that can be used in several different decks. The three monsters with the same Attribute but different Type can be a pain, but Lightsworns and several other decks that can use this with ease will. This card is a Foolish Burial for any card and on top of that can then trigger a mill 3 effect when any card is sent from the deck to the GY by any means. Yeah, this card has Lightsworn written all over it. Not only that but it can get you a card back from the GY upon its death, this is maybe one of the best Link Monsters in the set. Also, as I referred to, the summoning condition is easier to get off than you might think. Gem-Knight Phantom Core Link-2, 2 Gem- Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows This thing is purely for Gem-Knights and not generic Fusion support, unlike the generic Synchro and Pendulum support later in this set, but geez this is great for Gem-Knights. The Gem-Knight deck had a high ceiling to pull off an OTK or even FTK, and this card helps bring that potential back to life. On summon, you can search a Gem-Knight card, which is amazing. Not only that, but this thing can let you use your GY or banished zone for a Fusion Summon you banish with Gem-Knight Fusion or Absorb Fusion sometimes. Plus, with the arrows, this helps Lady Brilliant Diamond use her effect, and combo this with Lady Lapis Lazuli and Master Diamond, OTKs and FTKs are at the snap of the finger once again thanks to this card. Steelswarm Origin Link-2, 2 lswarm Monsters, Up and Down Arrows We are changing the arrows around a bit now, but it makes sense here. Origin prevents Extra Deck Monsters from entering the Main Monster Zone unless this card points to that Main Monster Zone. Combo this with Ophion and you got a brutal lockdown of the Extra Deck. Not only that, but this thing can replace monsters that are destroyed with Level 4 or lower lswarms from the deck. Also this is easy to summon with Rescue Rabbit into two Heliotropes or if you want to get cheeky and tech Steelswarm Scout. I have not seen this archetype get support since 2012 with Galactic Overlord, similar to another archetype later in this article. This card helps Inzektors a decent amount by getting you an equip from the deck at the cost of a discard. Ladybug, Hornet, and Giga-Mantis come to mind first. Only sucks that equip from the deck cannot be equipped to Picofarena, but getting an equip on a Dragonfly or Centipede is great since those cards are still good. Not only that, but it helps recycle Insects, so it is good for any Insect deck. Now if only Dragonfly and Hornet can come to 2 or 3 in the TCG. I like this archetype, and this card is great for Hieratic as well as other Dragon decks. Obvious Hieratic synergy is obvious. Tribute this with a Hieratic monster or with its only effect, helps get to Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon faster. This card is really cool for Dragon decks, I honestly like it. Crowley the Origin of Prophecy Link-2, 2 Spellcaster Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows No, your eyes are not deceiving you, that is Aleister the Invoker. He created the Spellbooks. Ever heard of Aleister Crowley? Yeah, neither have I, lol. This card is handy for any Spellcaster deck, allowing the Spellbook engine to have more life in it. It allows you to select three Spellbooks with different names and randomly add one to the hand. Knowledge, Secrets, and Spellbook Magician are some of the first cards you will choose more than likely. If only Spellbook of Judgment was back, HA! Anyway, this card also allows a Level 5 or higher Spellcaster to be summoned without tribute. High Priestess of Prophecy, World of Prophecy though you should likely never be Normal Summoning that , Reaper of Prophecy, even Dark Magician. There are some good targets for this to let you Normal Summon. Dark Magician of Chaos is another one. Nice card to boost Spellcaster decks and allowing Spellbooks to be more accessible. Fresh Madolche Sistart Link-2, 2 Madolche Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows. This kinda makes me sad, I was hoping the Madolche Link would help extend Madolche Combos, instead it protects cards you might not really need to protect, though I guess it is nice. It also saves itself from destruction by shuffling a Madolche into the deck. At least with it being a Fairy, putting the Madolche back into the deck, or hand with Chateau, does summon a Madolche from the deck with Ticket or Chocolat-a-la-mode if it has a Puddingcess. Just disappointing though, cause I love Madolches. Summon this with a Megalo equipped with Mizuchi and you are in a good spot. This Link Monster lets you ditch a Water from the hand to search a Mermail. Thankfully this triggers Atlanteans. It can also trigger Altantean cards like Dragoons, Heavy Infantry, or Marksman. This card also has another effect to trigger Atlanteans, as when it is destroyed, you can send a Water from the deck to the GY to revive a Water in Defense Position, so no summoning this back. This card helps the Nimble and Frog cards have more value in the Mermail deck. Deep Sea Diva plus Neptabyss just got better as well. This card proves why Atlantean Mermails will always stand the test of time. Isolde, Reminiscence of the Noble Knights Link-2, 2 Warrior Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Noble Knights actually got one of the better Link Monsters, this is great for any Warrior deck. First off, upon being Link Summoned, you can search for a Warrior from the Deck. Black Luster Soldier — Envoy of the Beginning is now easily searchable for any Warrior deck, and Noble Knights can make use of it since it does run Light Monsters the Noble Knights and Dark Monsters Merlin. The second effect is obvious Noble Knight synergy, as you can send Equip Spells from the deck to the GY to summon a Warrior from the deck with a Level equal to the number of Equips sent. Only Noble Knights can make use of this, but at least you can fill the GY with Equips you want on your Noble Knight Xyz Monsters as well as fuel Brothers for recycling fuel. Great card to evolve both Warrior decks and Noble Knights as a whole. Shaddoll Construct Link-2, 2 Flip Monsters, Left and Right Arrows. The arrows will make sense in a minute, but this just makes me want El Shaddoll Construct back even more. With this card, the Shaddoll engine just gets better, especially in Flip decks. This card can let you Fusion Summon a Shaddoll using cards on the hand or field as material. You will likely use this. Now it might seems that summoning this just to Fusion Summon might be bad and you would rather just use El Shaddoll Fusion, Shaddoll Fusion, or even freaking Polymerization in your Shaddoll deck, but this card lets you discard a Shaddoll to revive it, which triggers a Shaddoll effect and lets you have two Linked Zones in your Main Monster Zone to summon more Fusions, Synchros, Xyzs, Links, anything. Now give us back El Shaddoll Construct. Qliphort Genius Link-2, 2 Machine Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows I am not a Qli fan, but I can realize how amazing this card is. Genius is easy to summon, especially if you tech in Mecha Phantom Beast Thetherwolf into the deck. Still great to get a Qliphort Monster to full ATK and turn off a Floodgate that hurts you. The final bit is where this card can get bonkers, where it can search for a Level 5 or higher Machine if two monsters are Special Summoned to the zones this card points to at the same time. Qliphort can do this easily with its Pendulum Summon and Disk. Dinomists can also make use of this effect. You can even summon that Stealth in the same turn if you have Laser Qlip. This is a good card for Machine Decks like ABC, Cyber Dragon, and especially Machine Pendulum Decks like Qliphort and Dinomist. This link helps boost the Ritual Beast theme a ton. First, Ritual Beasts this points to gain 600 ATK and DEF, a neat boost, but not why this card is great. You can banish a Ritual Beast from the GY to Normal Summon a Ritual Beast. The Ritual Beast Tamers want to be Normal Summoned to summon Spiritual Beasts, so this thing can help you get a Fusion with it. Just sucks all of the Ritual Beast Main Deck Monsters can only be Special Summoned once per turn. If a monster this card points to that was summoned from the Extra Deck is destroyed, you can add a Monster from the GY to the hand or a Pendulum Monster from the Extra Deck to the hand. Nice replacement effect for a destroyed monster, allowing you to get resources to summon another Extra Deck Monster or something. Also, this card can allow you to target two monsters summoned from the Extra Deck on each side of the field and banish them until the End Phase. Nice way to get a the Gem-Knight Light Fusion out of your Main Monster Zone to summon something else. Also allows you to go for game with greater ease. This card is why Gofu is limited, cause that is a one card this, as well as a more broken Link Monster I will discuss later. Man, a lot of cards can lead to other cards a lot in this article. Aromaseraphy Jasmine Link-2, 2 Plant Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Oh boy, we are getting into the really good stuff now. Another tool to help that FTK with Topologic Bomber Dragon, we got a card that is more generic Plant support than it is Armoa. You can tribute a Monster this card points to and summon a Plant from the deck. Lonefire Blossom, Predaplant Orphys Scorpio, Spore, Glow-Up Bulb, the big Sylvans, even freaking Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis for that FTK are all accessible with this card. Also this card searches a Plant when you gain Life Points, so tech in an Aroma Garden for your Plant Deck if you are feeling cheeky. This card is also immune to Battle Destruction when your LP are higher than your opponents. Plant decks will be playing this in 3-ofs, because a simple Mathematician can send a Dandylion to summon the Tokens to summon this and have a Mathematician to tribute for the effect. I love PK Fire as a deck and this helps the deck stay alive in this new era. First off, cards this card points to cannot be destroyed by card effects, save those BAs when you control Beatrice I guess. If this card would be destroyed, you can send a card you control the the GY instead. Get rid of a Fog Blade that is annoying you I guess, or trigger a Burning Abyss effect. This thing is easy to destroy because it has 500 ATK, but it can boost a BA by sending a Level 3 from the deck to the GY. You will most likely boost this and send a BA to the grave, though a Phantom Knight is an option. Heavymetalfoes Electurn Link-2, 2 Pendulum Monsters, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Ready for Pendulum Magicians to get a mega boost? This card will do that as well as boost other Pendulum Decks like Metalfoes, Dinomists, etc. When this beauty is Link Summoned, you can put a Pendulum Monster from the deck into the Extra Deck. Amorphage Sloth comes to mind, but this should almost say add a Pendulum Monster from the deck to the hand because this thing can pop a scale you have to get a Pendulum Monster back from the Extra Deck. Just add back an Astrograph Sorcerer and use that effect immediately to summon himself and search for what you popped. To put the cherry on top, this thing lets you draw a card when a Pendulum Card leaves the Pendulum Zone, this is the only hard once per turn effect too, lol. This thing just helps Pendulum Decks like Pendulum Magicians and Metalfoes just stack plusses on top of plusses. Probably the second best Link in this set. Crystron Needlefiber Link-2, 2 Monsters Including 1+ Tuner, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows Well then… this card is insane. Upon summon, you can get any Level 3 or lower Tuner from the deck, but it cannot use its effects this turn. Grab a Spore or Glow-Up Bulb, cause I am sure it can still use its effects once it hits the GY. You can even summon a Ghost Ogre or Ash Blossom if you really have to. This card just extends Synchro Plays to another level. Life Stream Dragon can even be sided if you play this vs Trickstars. Aleister the Meltdown Invoker Link-2, 2 Monsters with different Types and Attributes, Bottom Left and Bottom Right Arrows We end this thing with the return of Aleister and whatever he was doing previously really got to him. This card is treated as Alesiter the Invoker on the field or in the GY, which makes Invocation live with greater ease. If you Fusion Summon to a zone this card points to, you can discard a card to search for Invocation or the Book of Law. This gives a reason to play The Book of Law now, since that card can give you more OTK potential. The card is clearly meant to help only Invoked, and this is more useful to the OCG, who has Aleister the Invoker at 1. This is useful for a pure Invoked build, worth playing and is not too hard to summon. In Conclusion I am glad Konami put forth effort in helping decks with these new rules, and they hit the nail on the head in most cases. I really look forward to what Link Monsters we get in Premium Pack 20 and any future Link Vrains Pack, and I really hope they are as good as some of these Links. One of the best sets in a long time, hope it comes to the TCG in the same way very soon. You can contact me at iphoneperson icloud.